Everyday Is an Experience

Prioritise your health & life by experiencing more with good daily habits

I help busy business owners to experience more in their day to better their health and wellbeing. Experience the beauty of life every single day and have someone to hold you accountable and keep your goals on track.

Life is a miracle

"Everything Is A Miracle" Albert Einstein

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

We shouldn’t have to wait until the weekend

Enjoy the little things

We can create a better, healthier #lifestyle and routine down where we get to enjoy the little things 7 days per week. A healthier you is a better you for the future – less stressed, more time to enjoy life every day. 

Stressed can lead to #anxiety and #healthissues – time to remove our stress by living more each day by doing the things you enjoy not only the #weekend.

Live Life Healthier and Better

1/3 Sleeping

Sleeping is necessary to replenish our energy and rest to heal ourselves from external and internal stressed. Most of us will sleep better 6-8 hours each night.

5 Days Working

As busy business owners, it’s not only 5 days we work, it’s most likely 7 days per week, right? Our livelihoods are work, work is a priority, right?

2 Days Living Life

If we are lucky, we get to spend 2 days on the weekend to create nice memories with our family, friends and hobbies.

Appreciate The Little Things in Your Life; Home and Work

Make Health a Priority

Feel Alive Every Day

Enjoy The Little Things

Stop being busy and implement the little things you love into your day; home and work for better health.

More Energy & Focus

When you have good habits in place, you tend to have more energy and focus at work, in life and family.

Life's an Adventure

Join my adventures outside of work to rediscover fun by doing activities such as tree adventures to kayaking and lots more.


Stay Up To Date With The Latest Updates and Event Info

Day 8 of 12 weeks challenge

There will be a lot of mental health issues on the rise as we already know. If you are feeling down due to Covid19, know that there's Way Forward. In this video, I share with you how I found my Way Forward after developing anxiety, depression and attempted at suicide...

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Day 7 of 12 weeks challenge

Day 7 of 12 weeks challenge

https://youtu.be/I3CfiulM86A We are on day 7, that's 1 week into our 12 weeks of creating good daily habits. Do you have goals you are working towards? Maybe, create a better, healthier lifestyle? For me, it was to be resilient to the Winter Cold ? - hear me out :)...

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Day 6 of Creating Good Daily Habits

Day 6 of Creating Good Daily Habits

Haydar and I have been doing a 12 weeks journey to create good daily habits. We wanted to wake up early and put in exercise (anything active) before breakfast. Tuesday 28th, July marks our 6th day. The results are: I found myself enjoying the little things and have...

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Everyday is an Experience

– Nep Thach

I come from anxiety, depression and post-suicide attempt in my early 20s, to becoming courageous and creating healthier living and lifestyle. I have organised and lead many events to get people out and appreciate the beauty surrounds us. Life is about living it every day, not just the weekend – we can enjoy the little things we love more often.

Nep Thach, Helping you create good daily habits for better living and health

Accountable Life and Health Coach

Contact Nep Thach